Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life

Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant

Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life
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Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life

Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life serves as the foundation for the ministry of Desperately Dependent Community. Because we are desperate people we are dependent. Therefore, we need to find Christ relevant to every area of life. If we don’t find Christ relevant then we will devise God substitutes. Although we believe that our independence is noble it leads us away from our commitment to Christ.

Desperate Dependency summarizes the basic biblical teaching of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Christian discipleship calls us to establish a relationship with Jesus. Nothing in Christianity happens outside of a relationship. And without a connection to Christ, we seek our own solutions to complete our lives. But God desires for us to grow into Christlikeness.

Will you be desperately dependent?

What difference is there in your life because you say you are a Christian? Have you realized that you cannot successfully live independently from Jesus? Have you discovered His divine enablement that produces personal empowerment? Christ wants to be relevant to every area of your life. Will you let Him? Will you be desperately dependent?

When you look around, and perhaps if you look within, you can easily find people who seem desperate as they depend on a variety of creative solutions to experience satisfaction and fill the void in their hearts. Unfortunately, even Christians fail to recognize God’s design of a relationship that is desperately dependent on Jesus to complete their lives.

Our heavenly Father has designed us for a relationship that is desperately dependent on Jesus. Only when we embrace this relationship will we find satisfaction and a way to fill the void in our hearts.

Why should I read Desperate Dependency?

Desperate Dependency identifies the deceptions we believe and points our searching souls to Christ, the only One who is relevant and sufficient to deal with the intricacies of life’s problems and pain. As we submit to His purpose of transforming us into the image of Christ, we will experience His promised fruit including love, joy, and peace. We used over 350 Scripture passages documenting how Christ is relevant to every area of life. This comprehensive approach can encourage all to develop a desperately dependent relationship with Christ.

Desperate Dependency challenges you to:

  • Evaluate the means you seek to be complete.
  • Understand that God’s design offers the only solution for experiencing fulfillment.
  • Move into a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Embrace God’s design of living beyond yourself.
  • Reorganize your life while finding Christ relevant to every area of living.
  • Complete the Insight Journal designed to help you connect with God in a deeper way.
  • Be guided through Psalms Prayer Patterns to communicate with God.

Biblical counseling model

The table of contents of Desperate Dependency offers a template for biblical counseling. We start with the premise that the problems of life exist because Christ is missing. But we don’t grasp how we work to keep Him out of our lives. Am I the problem?

Therefore, we must evaluate how we live dependently on God substitutes. My way isn’t working. Yet I keep making it all about me. I say I live enjoying the fruit of the Spirit, but am I really just offering counterfeits?

While I have an idea of God in mind, is my portrait of God accurate? I need to understand the truth about God. What is God’s job in my life? I wrestle with my way over His will. But I must resign the job of playing God in my own life. And as we work through the problem that Christ is missing we come to understand that Christ is the solution because He is relevant to every area of life.

It is only when we come to the solution that Christ is relevant to every area of life that our lives begin to change. We begin living in the truth while choosing to be desperately dependent. As we mature in that process we ultimately come to the reality that Christ is enough.

We have become desperately dependent

Desperate Dependency is not a compilation of our ideas that we asked God to bless, but rather it is a documentation of God’s working in our lives as we have realized our inability and God’s capabilities. We have struggled and prayed for God to work in us so that we might in turn share with you how He wants to work in your life. In conveying His heart to you we have become desperately dependent.

Choose to grow deeper

DDCommunity Institute offers a variety of classes to promote your spiritual maturity.

DDCommunity Institute: Desperate Dependency Class 201

Desperate Dependency Class 201 will challenge participants to mature in a desperately dependent relationship with Christ so that they find Him relevant to every issue of life.

Desperate Dependency Class Cohort 301 will challenge participants to mature in a desperately dependent relationship with Christ so that they find Him relevant to every issue of life through live cohort mentoring sessions.

DDCommunity Institute: Desperate Dependency Class Cohort 301
DDCommunity Institute: Desperate Dependency Counselor Cohort Class 401

Desperate Dependency Counselor Cohort 401 will prepare you as a Biblical Church Counselor to help others find Christ relevant to the issues of life so that they may experience love, joy, and peace.

Table of Contents

Completing the Evaluation of Desperate Dependency is a great place to start! Read more about the Evaluation of Desperate Dependency in the post entitled Do I need God in my life?


1. What’s Missing?
2. Am I the Problem?
3. My Way Isn’t Working
4. All about Me
5. My Portrait of God


6. The Truth about God
7. What Is God’s Job in My Life?
8. My Way or His Will?
9. Resigning the God Job


10. What Is My Job?
11. Living in the Truth
12. Choosing to Be Desperately Dependent
13. A Job for Job

Desperate Dependency Resources

Within Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life you will find several resources that are available to download for personal or corporate use.

If you are interested in obtaining copies of these please contact us.

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Excerpts from Desperate Dependency by J. Kirk & Melanie D. Lewis.

Available from your favorite book retailers, including Amazon and Redemption Press. (As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.)

Would you like a more in-depth study of Desperate Dependency? Enroll now in our Teachable Desperate Dependency class.

Read more about Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life.

For those of you who have been impressed with the awesome job that Bill Taylor did with our Desperate Dependency book cover design, I wanted to share a little more of his story — actually it’s his daughter’s story. Watch Olivia’s video.

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